Monday, March 5, 2012

Traveling Dolls

I went on a road trip during Thanksgiving break.  My MAG Emmaline (Emma) and GOTY 2006 Jess went, too.  I took a bunch of pictures of them.
Emma: Pink
Jess: Purple
Hi!  This is Emma and Jess, and we wanted to share about our road trip.
As soon as we got to the hotel, we crashed...
But then we woke up for a picture.
The next morning, we were ready to go, bright and early.  Jess even has her sunglasses.  Aren't I adorable in them?
A close up in the car.
By afternoon, the sunglasses weren't needed because it was raining.  We just love rain!
We stopped in Alabama, and Mom got pictures of us at the Visitors Center.
A close up (did you notice that I has binoculars and Jess has a butterfly camera?  The camera literally gives a new meaning to "shutterbug"!  Sorry, that was a bad joke).
Here we are by the "Alabama: We Dare Defend Out Rights" sign.  So patriotic!
The next day, we stopped at another Visitors Center and we saw some scarecrows.
This cool horse was inside!  I couldn't miss an opportunity to get a picture with this!
Here we are going to a bridge!
Before the bridge...
And on the bridge!
A few days later, it was Thanksgiving.  We took a picture by this stack of metal presents.
At my Great-Grandmother's house.
Here we are together!
Just little old me.
Close up of me!

Hi!  It's Molly again!  When my second cousin invited my Mommy and Grandmommy to go out and shop for wedding dresses with her, Mommy said I could tag along!  Isn't that great!?
My Great-Aunt has a lot of statues in her backyard, and I got to take pictures with them!
Here's one of them.  I like his armor.
She also has cactuses.  Look how tall it is compared to me!
I loved this flowers-on-the-wall thing.
He seems zen, don't you think?
My Great-Aunt's silly little (not so little to me) dogs.  Here we are by a dried up stream bed.  They looked so protective and honorable.  I loved the trip and Mommy told me her cousin tried on soooo many pretty dresses!  I didn't go to the shops, I just stayed home with the dogs, but it was still fun.  Thanks for listening!

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